Make: publishes projects, skill-building tutorials, in-depth reviews, and inspirational stories, accessible by all ages and skill ranges.
Joe Grand is a contributor to Make: and was an early member of their Technical Advisory Board. His articles include:
Hiding in Plain Sight, Send secret messages invisibly over light waves with your own optical covert channel, pp. 30-35
Primer: Voltage, Current, and Resistance, Three staple quantities you'll encounter with anything that has electrons running through it - here's how they all tie together, pp. 164-166
Propeller Chip: Silicon from Scratch (sidebar), BASIC Stamp's Chip Gracey puts a new spin on microcontrollers, pg. 81
1966: A Big Year for Games, An afternoon with Ralph Baer, the "Father of Video Games," pp. 62-63
RFID for Makers, Build this kit to read radio frequency ID tags, pp. 160-163
• Vol. 05: Science, Weather, and Outdoors
Full Mast Reception, Build your own satellite dish mast in three easy steps, pg. 150
Reading and Drawing Schematics, Understanding schematics is a good baseline skill for makers, and not as hard as you think, pp. 151-152
Retro Game Heaven: The Atari 2600 PC, After fitting a full-featured wireless PC system into an old Atari 2600 case, you can watch movies, surf the web, and play hundreds of retro games, pp. 50-84
Peace and Quiet with the Flip of a Switch, How to add a power switch to an external drive without one, pp. 141-143
Primer: Soldering and Desoldering, Step-by-step instructions for making (and unmaking) the perfect solder joint, pp. 162-169